Difference Between Addiction and Dependence

addiction vs dependence

If you believe you have an addiction, it’s never too late to look for help. Working with a health care professional will allow you to explore the options to treat your addiction. People used to believe that addiction only happened in certain areas, like in inner cities, or among specific groups of people, like those who were down and  out.

addiction vs dependence

The Signs of Substance Abuse

The advantage of going to a detox center is that medical assistance is readily available. A detox center will place you in comfortable surroundings where you can be assured of help in case of emergencies. To reiterate, the DSM-5 dropped the categories of “substance dependence” and “substance abuse,” and so the claim that substance abuse disorder is the preferred term for drug addiction is inaccurate. In the past few years, healthcare providers may have prescribed these medications off-label for pain relief. Present information does suggest that buprenorphine and naloxone may provide pain relief in people with chronic pain who are also dealing with opioid dependence or addiction. You can also develop addictions to behaviors like sex, watching porn, using the internet, and gambling.

  • Dr. Kevin Wandler of Advanced Recovery Systems warns that addictive drugs, such as nicotine, can cause dependence.
  • If you are taking a prescription medication, your doctor may change the class of medication, which may affect your body in a different way.
  • In this case, medical support may be required to help wean the individual off the drug.
  • In 2013, the American Psychological Association (APA) released the fifth edition of the DSM.
  • This type of rehab is best suited to individuals with long-term chronic addictions, especially those who have co-occurring mental health issues.


Psychological addiction can lead to obsessive thinking about the substance and difficulty managing life without it. Addiction, on the other hand, often encompasses the elements of dependence and also includes a host of other considerations across life domains. It’s characterized by a compulsive and uncontrollable urge to seek and use a substance, even when it causes you harm to do so. Addiction is a complex, chronic brain condition influenced by genes and the environment that is characterized by substance use or compulsive actions that continue despite harmful consequences. For example, we have long been told that people need to hit “rock bottom” before they’ll get help, but this isn’t true. Anyone with an addiction can get help at any point if they feel it’s the right time.

Addiction vs. dependence: What is the difference?

  • If you develop a tolerance to a substance, it becomes less effective for you.
  • It occurs when a person has difficulty stopping substance use or engaging in a behavior that provides some type of benefit.
  • The term addiction is used to describe compulsive drug-seeking behaviors that continue in spite of negative outcomes, but it is important to note that addiction is not considered an official diagnosis in the DSM-5.
  • That terminology was problematic because in biology — the study of organisms — dependence refers to a physical adaptation to a substance.

Zubsolv and Suboxone are medications containing the same active ingredients–buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) and naloxone (an opioid antagonist)–to treat opioid use disorder. Word stimuli served as go signals requiring a button press and stop-signals when their color turned red. Regardless of cue type, we found lower anterior PFC (aPFC), and during cocaine addiction vs dependence vs. food word inhibition, lower dlPFC activity; higher activity here correlated with recent use frequency, craving, and shorter abstinence [3]. These results suggest the potential need for dlPFC deactivation in the face of drug cues to perform similarly to controls. Substance dependence and addiction are complex conditions; however, they are treatable.

addiction vs dependence

Addiction Symptoms

addiction vs dependence

addiction vs dependence